School Improvement Strategy
Together we promote a collective responsibility for every child that we teach, every adult we employ, and every community we serve. School improvement is our core pursuit, driving high quality, specialist education for all our pupils. We are each committed to the development and continuous review of our Trust School Improvement Strategy and strive to achieve this through a relentless ambition to deepen our trusting partnerships.
We aim to:
- strengthen our accountability culture beyond formal and informal conversations to facilitate innovation, improvement and broaden opportunities for all.
- provide a strong growth platform for inspirational leadership at all levels, across and beyond our academies.
- develop a strategy over time that will create philanthropic support for the education sector.
- continuously improve because schools are in a multi academy trust.
- create a culture of courageous leadership across our Trust, rooted in growth and possibility.
- harness relevant and impactful opportunities for collaboration and research, supporting staff to communicate effectively and learn from each other as well as other settings.
- develop Lead Practitioner roles across our Trust and develop our strategy for this across 2022 – 2024.
- ensure that every opportunity is taken to secure healthy retention rates because staff feel valued and supported by our Trust Wellbeing Strategy.
- develop our People Strategy further to ensure that all staff access a range of professional development opportunities and understand the opportunities available to them for a long-term career with us, should they desire this.
- ensure that our community benefits from efficient and effective use of digital technologies with high quality provision across our Trust.