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Solent Academies Trust

Trust Transformation Model

We prioritise our support and resources carefully to maximise the impact of high-quality leadership at all levels and harness expertise in order to add the greatest value for all our pupils to have every opportunity to flourish and thrive.

Our Strategic Senior Leadership Team uses our Trust School Improvement Matrix of Need to effectively assess where school improvement support should be targeted across *10 areas of need relating to:

1) Education
2) Health & Safety
3) Risk Management
4) Estates & Premises
5) IT Infrastructure
6) Digital Transformation
7) Finance
8) Human Resources
9) Civic Responsibility
10) Governance

*These areas are continually reviewed to ensure comprehensive oversight & ongoing relevance for impact.

Evaluation of progress in relation to these areas is informed by external and internal quality assured evidence, specialist reports, audits and reviews. 

Executive reporting to Trustees describes progress towards achieving our agreed key performance indicators for each area.

Academy support is accurately pinpointed using the outcomes of our matrix of need, with each school moving through our trust transformation model as outlined below.

(Based upon the principles from Sir David Carter’s Four Stage School Improvement Model)