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Solent Academies Trust

Redwood Park Academy is a secondary special school for 154 pupils aged 11-16 years.  The school caters predominantly for pupils with complex needs and autism, with 44% of the pupil population having a diagnosis of autism. All pupils have an EHCP or a statement of special educational needs.

Redwood Park became an academy in February 2017, sponsored by The Solent Academies Trust and is a full and active member of the Trust, sharing curriculum opportunities, engaging in joint CPD and opportunities for staff residencies, making effective use of resources.

Redwood Park has a strong focus on outdoor learning and all pupils participate in both outdoor learning and outdoor adventurous activities across the academic year. 
Redwood Park is also a centre of excellence for Creative Arts including Performing Arts and the pupils are strongly encouraged to develop their creative ability in all areas of the arts both to develop their talents and to support the development of their personal and social skills and self-confidence.

Do follow the link to the website to find out more.