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Solent Academies Trust


Mary Rose Academy is a school for 181 pupils aged 2-19 yrs which caters predominately for pupils with profound, severe and complex learning difficulties. An increasing proportion of pupils have autism and approximately 54% have additional needs associated with physical disabilities and medical conditions. All pupils have an EHCP or statement of special educational needs. Mary Rose was judged to be outstanding by Ofsted for the third consecutive time by Ofsted in November 2016.

Mary Rose is a Youth Sport Gold Partner and takes a local and national lead in ensuring that all young people have access to a range of sports by increasing opportunities for those with special educational needs and disabilities.

Mary Rose is a National Watersports Hub (the only hub in the country based in a Special School).

Mary Rose has achieved Arts Mark Gold and has a strong focus on performing arts. The school participates each year in Global Rock Challenge, an inclusive international programme that encourages young people to take part in large-scale performances and to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Do follow the link to the website to find out more.