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Solent Academies Trust

Board of Trustees

Our trustees oversee the strategy and direction of the trust and ensure that the professional staff work in the best interests of the charity.

In addition to their scheduled meetings the trustees regularly meet on special projects and to provide advice and guidance to the Chief Executive Officer, Principals, and other senior staff.

The current Trustees are:

Board of Trustees (ID 1289)

  • Andrew Hill
    Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Gordon Duff
    Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees
  • Ray Mead
  • Philip Slaughter
  • Sue Banger
  • Gareth Morgan
  • David Hunt
  • Ruth Sturdy
  • Murray Campbell


Committee Structure

There are four committees of the Board that meet at least termly:

  • Risk and Audit Committee, chaired by Ray Mead. 
  • Staffing and Pay Committee, chaired by Sue Banger. 
  • Finance and General Purposes Committee, chaired by Philip Slaughter
  • Standards Committee, chaired by Gareth Morgan.  

The terms of reference for each of the committees is available in the following PDF.

Appointment Details, Attendance Records and Register of Interests

The appointment details, attendance records and register of interest for our current trustees can be found in the PDF below as well as details about resignations and retirements in the last 12 months.

This area will show all documents uploaded to the /docs/BOARD_OF_TRUSTEES folder.

Documents in folders containing the word 'letter' or 'minute' are listed in the order they were uploaded, most recent upload at the top. Otherwise, documents are listed alphabetically.

Minutes of Meetings

Minutes from meetings of the Board are available on request by emailing sat.governance@solentacademiestrust.info